Creative Director
Sam Gordon

Sam is our Creative Director. He has a wealth of experience both in the UK and also the USA after living in New York. Sam has experience across all sizes of projects from inception to delivery so is a huge asset to the team.

``For me, it's about taking the audience to a particular place or time. I'm always thinking about how we can create a different feeling or atmosphere. If I've made the audience feel an emotion then I've done my job. ``

Sam is our Creative Director

Sam is Creative Director. He has a wealth of experience both in the UK and also the USA after living in New York.

Favourite type of edit:
I like films that feel like a roller-coaster, starting off slowly, then accelerating through some twists and turns. Pace is everything.
Sam's Dream Project
I love projects that involve a bit of fantasy and imagination. I enjoy creating worlds, using lighting and production design to take the audience somewhere new. There's nothing more satisfying than a technical challenge. My ideal project would probably require a giant sound stage, 100 lights, 500,000 gallons of water, and a vehicle travelling at high speed. On fire, of course.

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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725