3D & Motion Graphics
Stuart Fraser

Stuart is our resident motion graphics guru, with a strong history in design and a beautifully creative eye. Working closely with Scott on everything 3D they are a force to be reckoned with.

``Nothing is impossible or unsolvable, and in the world of 3D graphics that is genuinely true - if you can think of an idea or way to enhance or bridge part of a projects story then it’s doable. The hard work is then creating what is in your minds eye onto the screen and getting as close to what you imagined as possible.````

Graphics & 3D content creation

Stuart is our resident motion graphics guru, with a strong history in design and a beautifully creative eye. Working closely with Scott on everything 3D they are a force to be reckoned with.

Favourite type of edit:
Slow, cinematic and arty. Immersive and heavily stylised with consistent ideas/approach throughout, everything from the choice of music, motion graphics, how the footage is treated in post. Simple storytelling with clever ideas. CG wise – making it look as real as possibly possible.
Stu's Dream Project
Tough to say for an ideal individual project - we are really great at working as a team, so I really enjoy being part of every type of project we get to work on - the variation throws up a broad range of 3D requirements and those new challenges make each project ideal as it refreshes a specific required CG skill. I guess specifically, anything nostalgic is my kind of my thing, clients that refer to their heritage and history and need to tell a story of how they got to where they are now. A deep dive into the history of motor racing would be rather lovely.

Can you make this happen? Contact us!

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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725
