B&O – Music Moves Me2022

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  • Overview

    We were tasked to create a film which introduced the Bang & Olufsen x Trent Alexander-Arnold partnership, bringing together the two brands authentically in the public domain. Bang & Olufsen produce some of the best speakers and headphones in the world and they needed a film which dialled up the appreciation for the content achieved through emotive, engaging storytelling, where music is the conduit.

    Our process

    The time between receiving the brief and being onsite filming for this project was only four days and in that time we created an entire concept and narrative, presented to the client, created the schedule, put together the shot list, hired the kit, hired the venue, travelled for a recce and checked in to yet another Premier Inn.

    Trent’s schedule was incredibly busy and when a window of opportunity to film came around there was no chance of saying no, so we mobilised all available resources to make it happen. This was a classic example of multiple people working together on separate parts of the project: whilst some were writing the concept and presenting to the client, others were scouting locations and arranging kit to be delivered.

    Our concept was based around the use of music in four areas of Trent’s life, each relying on a different B&O product. The products were positioned as secondary roles in each of the situations, supporting Trent’s actions and driving the transition from scene to scene.
    Mike is a lifelong Liverpool fan, so there was no way he was missing this shoot!


    One hero piece was created to show the process of Trent moving from one location to the other in a complete story.
    Additional cut-downs which focused on just one of the products/locations were created for supporting promotion on the appropriate channels.

  • Content Produced
    June 1, 2021
  • Release Dates
    • January 3, 2020
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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725
