B&O – Race Tracks2022

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  • Overview

    Bang and Olufsen embarked on a multi-year partnership with Formula 1 team Williams Racing in 2022.

    To try and drive brand awareness, B&O devised the ‘Race tracks’ series which saw four key personnel from the race team talk about three of their favourite music tracks. From Alex Albon, to his race engineer, we conducted in-depth interviews at Williams HQ, trying to gain an understanding of the music that matters to the team.

    The Race Tracks series was the first online campaign between B&O and Williams in line with their partnership, and was the first collaborated metric benchmark that both parties are able to use to gauge their co-audience activity. For B&O, this partnership is aimed at engaging younger audiences (as influencers of culture) and elevating the brand, and for Williams the partnership is aimed at helping to position them as a lifestyle brand.

    Our process

    Time with drivers is always tight, and this time was no exception. Unable to recce the location before arriving to shoot, we had minimal time to identify four separate areas within the heritage centre to film.

    All interviews were conducted straight down the lens on the primary camera with secondary and tertiary cameras picking up side angles and product detail. The cavernous heritage centre was light with a mixture of astera tube lights and rgb panels. This, coupled with the purposely low-key background ambience, made the subjects stand front and centre.

    Our five man crew was able to set up and move the kit quickly and efficiently with the time available to us.

    Interviews can be daunting for the talent, especially those not accustomed to the camera, and definitely not when there are partner brand managers, designers, crew, account managers and camera operators all staring at you. But we are experts at putting people at ease and managed to extract genuine, heart warming, exciting and surprising stories from all.

    Who would have thought that ‘Do re mi’ was one of Alex Albon’s favourite songs?


    • We created four individual episodes for each of the personnel, with Alex Albon being the lead piece.
    • Each was 60 seconds in length with additional cut down teasers for social platforms in 1x1 and 9x16 formats.
    • One of our USPs is to shoot a large amount of content in the shortest amount of time possible allowing us to build up an archive for slow release at future dates.
    • This maximises the client budget, is mindful of the talent time restrictions, and creates enormous value for the brand who now has multiple products rather than just one. 


    Impressions were six times better than predicted with over 14 million on Twitter, and reach over projections on both Twitter and Meta were consistently higher.



  • Content Produced
    August 7, 2022
  • Release Dates
    • February 2, 2020
    • February 3, 2020
    • February 1, 2020
    • February 9, 2020
    • December 3, 2019
    • January 9, 2020
    • January 31, 2020
    • February 12, 2020
    • February 12, 2020
    • January 29, 2020
    • February 12, 2020
    • February 11, 2020
    • January 10, 2020
    • December 1, 2019
    • February 5, 2020
    • January 3, 2020
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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725
