McLaren Engage2022

All Details

  • Overview

    McLaren Racing is pioneering a strategic alliance with four expert partners to drive forward a programme of collaborative initiatives to diversify talent in motorsport. The four partners are: Women’s Engineering Society (WES); EqualEngineers; The Smallpeice Trust; and Creative Access.

    The alliance, known as McLaren Racing Engage, will advance the team’s diversity, equality and inclusion agenda as part of its broader sustainability programme, including its commitment to F1’s WeRaceAsOne platform.

    The alliance will drive a shared agenda to: 

    • Promote STEM and F1 as an accessible vocation to under-represented and under-privileged groups
    • Foster a diverse and inclusive culture within McLaren’s workforce and communities by providing accessibility to young people and under-represented groups
    • Advance meaningful and sustained change for McLaren Racing as an employer, and F1 as a sport and industry

    Our process

    Filming content via an interview is a powerful way to capture authentic and engaging answers from a subject. When done correctly, an interview can provide a rich and personal perspective that can help to tell a compelling story. We sat with various stake holders and key members of McLaren Engages at the Technology Centre in Woking to create a foundation of the edit.

    • Hero explainer film
    • 15s Trailers for Launch
    • Presspack and VNR
    • Social Cut-downs
  • Content Produced
    August 9, 2021
  • Release Dates
    • January 3, 2020
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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725