SAP x Mercedes-EQ Formula E Team2022

All Details

  • Overview

    SAP is helping the Mercedes EQ Formula E team race in Formula E by providing them with cutting-edge technology solutions. SAP's technology platform provides the team with real-time data and insights that help them make informed decisions and optimize their performance on the track.

    One of the ways SAP helps the team is by providing a system for data management and analysis. This system collects data from various sources, such as car sensors, team telemetry, and driver feedback, and analyzes it in real time. The insights generated from this data help the team optimize the performance of their cars, make informed decisions about strategy, and improve the overall race experience for their drivers.

    In addition, SAP provides the team with a cloud-based platform for collaboration and communication. This platform enables the team to share information, make decisions and communicate quickly and efficiently, both at the track and back at their headquarters.

    In conclusion, SAP's technology solutions play a critical role in helping the Mercedes EQ Formula E team race in Formula E. By providing the team with real-time data and insights, streamlining operations, and improving communication, SAP is helping the team to optimize their performance and increase their chances of success on the track.

    Our Process

    We spent a day with the MBEQ FE team interviewing key team members and getting exclusive access around the factory, enabling us to capture great BRoll and footage of various points of the processes to enable the team to race. From supply and parts, to production and logistics it's crucial to see how SAP how helping the MBEQ FE team.

    • 4 episodic content pieces
    • 1 long-form hero edit
    • Various photography
    • Social Cut-downs
  • Content Type
  • Content Produced
    November 9, 2021
  • Release Dates
    • January 3, 2020
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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725