IFS x Viva Mexico2022

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  • Objective:

    To capture the challenging sailing conditions and the team spirit of the Viva Mexico sailboat crew during the Rolex Fastnet Race, while highlighting the sponsorship of our client IFS.

    1. Pre-Production: The team carefully reviewed the challenging sailing conditions that the Viva Mexico team would face during the Rolex Fastnet Race and assessed the best way to capture the footage. They decided to use a Rib to film alongside the sailboat, as it would provide the best angle and stability in the rough waters. The team also discussed the importance of highlighting IFS's sponsorship of the sailboat and incorporating their brand into the footage.

    2. Filming: The team set out to sea with the Viva Mexico sailboat and the Rib, and began filming the sailboat as it navigated through the tough conditions. They captured the teamwork and spirit of the crew as they worked together to steer the boat through the rough waters. The team also captured close-up shots of the IFS logo and branding on the sailboat, emphasizing their sponsorship and connection to the race.

    3. Editing: The team used editing software to carefully craft the footage into a final video, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of the Viva Mexico team during the Rolex Fastnet Race. They added music and sound design, carefully balancing the audio and video to create a cohesive and engaging experience for the viewer.


    The final video was a powerful representation of the Viva Mexico team's experience during the Rolex Fastnet Race, showcasing their spirit and determination in the face of challenging conditions. The video also effectively highlighted IFS's sponsorship, reinforcing their brand and connection to the sailing world. The video received widespread praise and was shared across social media, gaining thousands of views and likes.

  • Content Produced
    August 10, 2021
  • Release Dates
    • January 3, 2020
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Right Formula Productions - 5 Riverlight Quay, Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 8DX
Company Registration Number: 06969725
